Překlad: palm – Anglicko-Český Slovník
Víte, co znamená slovo "palm" v angličtině? Jestli ne, není důvod k obavám. V tomto článku se podíváme na význam tohoto slova v anglicko-českém slovníku a ukážeme vám, jak správně přeložit tento výraz do češtiny. Přečtěte si dále a získáte užitečné informace pro svou slovní zásobu.
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Úvod do překladu slova "palm"
Překlad slova "palm" je pro české mluvčí zajímavý, protože zahrnuje několik možných významů. Jedním z nich může být odkaz na dlaně rukou, což je základní slovníkem definovaný význam. Další možností může být spojení se stromem palmou, který je typickým prvkem exotických krajin a symbolizuje dovolenou a relaxaci. Tento význam se často objevuje v různých kontextech, například ve spojení s plážemi či tropickými ostrovy.
V anglicko-českém slovníku je důležité sledovat správný kontext, ve kterém se slovo "palm" používá, abyste mohli vybrat správný český ekvivalent. Při překladu slova "palm" je tedy klíčové zohlednit celý významový spektrum a nalézt ten nejvhodnější v češtině. Důkladné porozumění kontextu a souvislostí umožní přesný a smysluplný překlad, který bude přesně vyjadřovat význam slova "palm" v dané situaci.
<img class="kimage_class" src="https://www.preklady-prekladatele.cz/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/gcadfd2d3bcb713e77cbaef025c8c6d6909e1ce568fd449501729866d9570427c07ad91ddbfb60456b5a89d9cc0423f0e89f9b62b81394056ac97022608e227ff_640.jpg" alt="Význam slova "palm" v anglicko-českém slovníku">
Význam slova "palm" v anglicko-českém slovníku
So, you’re curious about the meaning of the word "palm" in the English-Czech dictionary? Let me shed some light on this for you. In the context of this dictionary, "palm" translates to "dlaň" in Czech. This word refers to the inner part of the hand that extends from the wrist to the fingers.
Moreover, "palm" can also have another meaning in English, which is "palmový" in Czech. In this sense, it relates to the tropical tree that bears fruit, like coconuts and dates. This tree is known for its tall trunk and large, fan-shaped leaves. Hopefully, this insight helps you better understand the various meanings of the word "palm" in the English-Czech dictionary.
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Různé překlady slova "palm"
There are multiple translations for the word "palm" in Czech, each with its own unique meaning and context. The term "palm" can refer to different concepts depending on the specific context in which it is used. Here are some of the various translations of the word "palm" in Czech:
- Palmový strom – Refers to the plant species of palm tree, known for its distinctive large leaves and tropical appearance.
- Dláň – Used to describe the palm of the hand, the fleshy underside of the hand between the fingers and the wrist.
- Povrchová část ruky – This translation is more technical and refers to the surface area of the hand that includes the palm and fingers.
In Czech, the word "palm" can have a range of meanings beyond just referring to the palm tree or the palm of the hand. It is important to consider the specific context in which the word is being used in order to determine the most appropriate translation. Whether you are discussing botanical terms, anatomical features, or other uses of the word "palm," there are various translations that capture its nuanced meanings in Czech.
<img class="kimage_class" src="https://www.preklady-prekladatele.cz/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/g8b13cc759df95002f96ce4a36578c098c9250e8934b4576635e2e56d74606eeb57596b21635bc51da911d2bbe0cf8e0afdf2054f9b713638c8f7e7e78d752aa5_640.jpg" alt="Jak správně používat slovo "palm" ve větě">
Jak správně používat slovo "palm" ve větě
When using the word "palm" in a sentence, it is important to consider its different meanings in English and Czech. In English, "palm" can refer to the inner part of the hand or a type of tree. In Czech, however, "palm" translates to "dlaň" when referring to the hand, and "palmový strom" when referring to the tree.
To use the word "palm" correctly in a sentence, follow these tips:
- When talking about the hand, use "dlaň" in Czech instead of "palm".
- When talking about the tree, use "palmový strom" in Czech to avoid confusion.
- Pay attention to the context of the sentence to determine the correct translation of "palm" in Czech. Remember that language nuances can vary, so it’s important to be mindful of the specific meaning you intend to convey. By following these guidelines, you can effectively incorporate the word "palm" into your Czech sentences with accuracy and clarity.
Tipy pro efektivní využití anglicko-českého slovníku pro překlad slova "palm
When translating the word "palm" into Czech, it’s important to consider the context in which it is being used. In English, "palm" can refer to the palm of the hand, the tropical tree, or even a handheld electronic device. When looking for the most accurate translation in Czech, it’s helpful to consult an English-Czech dictionary to find the best match for the specific meaning you are aiming for.
One helpful tip for using an English-Czech dictionary effectively is to pay attention to the different meanings of words. In the case of "palm," you may find multiple translations in Czech depending on the specific context. Take the time to read through the definitions and examples provided in the dictionary to choose the most appropriate translation. Additionally, consider using online resources or language forums to get further clarification on the nuances of translating a particular word like "palm" into Czech. Thank you for reading our article on the translation of the word "palm" in the English-Czech dictionary. We hope that the information provided has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any further questions or need assistance with translations, feel free to reach out to us. Stay tuned for more language-related content in the future!